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New England States Holstein Association
Ep. 8: Betsy Bullard talks with Tim Abbott and Kathleen O’keefe who share their unique perspective on the changing nature of event coverage and participation opportunities, as well as their iconic New England cows.
00:00 / 32:42
DairyVoice Podcast: Tim Abbott of Showbox Sires Talks With Bob Fitzsimmons
00:00 / 48:30
Joel Hastings talks with Tim Abbott about his career in the dairy industry
00:00 / 30:51
SUSTAINABILITY: Lindsey Worden, Chief Operating Officer, Holstein USA speaking at the NE Holstein Convention
Podcast 7: Betsy Bullard talks with Nick Randle, who is the Senior Marketing Lead, Dairy Productivity and Milk Quality at ZoetisNew England States Holstein
00:00 / 23:33
Ep. 6: New Holstein Field Rep.Jacob Schaefer discusses his job and thoughts on the industry
00:00 / 22:00
Ep. 5: Conant AcresNatalie & Matt Sneller discuss their operation
00:00 / 27:36
Ep. 4: Junior Activities helping with life and careerNew England States Holstein
00:00 / 21:36
Ep. 3: New England Youth ProgramsArtist Name
00:00 / 23:35
Ep. 2: New England Holstein Marketing Over the YearsNew England States Holstein Association Podcast
00:00 / 24:48
Ep. 1: Betsy Bullard Hosts The Inaugural New England Holstein Association PodcastNew England States Holstein Association Podcast
00:00 / 17:22
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